sandblasting cabinet with a turntable


Turntable may be stationary, tilting, or rolling out. It is suitable for heavier objects or rotary-shaped workpieces.

In order to make the manipulation easier, the turntable may be placed on a mobile dolly outwards the chambre.

Instead of the classic turntable it is also possible to design a special device. The example bellow depicts a turntable for cleaning of barrels for tumble spray coatings which enables both horizontal and vertical workpiece rotation.

automatic blast cabinets with turntable

Automatic Blast Cabinets with Turntable

This type of blast cabinets serves for blasting of rotary components of larger diameters. These cabinets may have either pressure or injector system. Depending on the type of a blasting abrasive, they can be designed for shot blasting, hardening (shot-peening), or non-abrasive soft blasting. Furthermore, it is possible to set a wide variety of parameters and levels of authorization (operator, supervisor, maintenance…).

The example below shows a device for cleaning tyre parts and tyre moulds.

Special Manual Blast Cabinets

These special blast cabinets are designed with respect to specific demands of our customers. The reasons for these requirements may concern size, proportions, and weight of a blast cabinet, insertion etc. The following pictures show examples of electric opening of front doors, rolling out turntable for heavier components, draw-through cabinets for glass sand blasting, multi-door cabinets, etc.

Special blast cabinets are designed based on the client´s request and demand.

The examples are below in the gallery.